Frequently Asked Questions
When does the season begin?
Fall: Typically, games start the first Saturday after the Labor Day weekend and run through the end of October. U9 – U14 Divisions have the option of participating in a tournament which is usually held the first or second weekend of November.
Spring: In late March, early April. Dates are determined based on public school spring break. Games usually start the first Saturday after spring break and end before Memorial Day. U9 – U14 Divisions have the option of participating in a tournament which is usually held the first or second weekend of June.
How do I register my child with GUSA?
During open registration periods, a child may be registered through the GUSA website at
Are there any discounts available?
There is usually an “Early Bird” discount if you register for the next season within 1 month of the end of the previous season. For example, in June, we offer an early registration discount for those registering for the Fall season.
Families who register more than one child also receive a discount of $5 off the second registration and $10 off the third registration.
Do I need experience to play?
No, the Recreational League is an instructional league—our coaches are excited about teaching beginners as well as the more advanced players.
Are there tryouts?
No, there are no tryouts for GUSA recreational players.
How are teams formed?
GUSA is committed to making soccer both enjoyable and a learning experience. We recognize that players often wish to be with players from their schools or neighborhoods; or they have established relationships with coaches that they wish to maintain.
Teams are formed based on the number of eligible, available players within each age division. When rostering a team, we try to ensure that each team has enough players to be competitive, while also allowing ample playing time for each child.
- U8 division plays 5 vs. 5. Teams play four 10-minute quarters with 2 minutes between the 1st & 2nd and 3rd & 4th quarters, and a 5-minute halftime. To roster a U8 team, we prefer to have at least 8 players so that there are a minimum of 3 substitutions. There is no goalie in the U8 division.
- U9 and U10 divisions play 7 vs. 7. Teams play two 25-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime. To roster a U9 or U10 team, we prefer to have at least 11 players so that there are a minimum of 4 substitutions.
- U11 and U12 divisions play 9 vs. 9. Teams play two 30-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime. To roster a U11 or U12 team, we prefer to have at least 14 players so that there are a minimum of 5 substitutions.
- U14 divisions plays 11 vs. 11. Teams play two 35-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime. To roster a U14 team, we prefer to have at least 16 players so that there are a minimum of 5 substitutions.
Should a division not have enough players to roster a team, GUSA will combine divisions. For example, if we only have 8 players registered for U11 Boys and 6 players registered for U12 Boys, we will merge these two divisions to have a U12 Boys team with a total of 14 players.
While we try to grant requests for specific teammates or coaches, GUSA cannot promise that your request will be accommodated.
How are the age divisions determined?
Because GUSA is a smaller recreation program given our location and county population, we partner with the Richmond Strikers North Recreation League and utilize their age divisions. Information can be found here.
When are practices held?
Practices are held at Leakes Mill Park. Practice times vary from team to team. Practice days and times are set by each coach. Generally, practices for U9 – U14 begin at either 5:00 pm or 6:30 pm, normally last one and a half (1.5) hours and are scheduled twice per week, Monday thru Thursday. U8 divisions practice once per week.
Teams are formed before the coaches select their practice times. Coaches determine the practices for their team based on their availability.
Who will coach my team?
GUSA relies on volunteers to coach our teams. We try our best to recruit coaches in advance of the season so that we can get teams rostered and practice schedules out to parents as quickly as possible.
You do not have to be an experienced soccer player to coach in our recreation league. If you value sportsmanship, encourage teamwork, and believe inspiring kids to do their best while having fun is what’s most important, we want you!
Are you interested in having your child play for GUSA at no charge? Every coach is entitled to free registration for their child each season they volunteer. Volunteer with us today!
(Note: Maximum of 2 free registrations per household.)
How are games scheduled and where are they played?
Because GUSA is a smaller recreation program given our location and county population, we partner with the Richmond Strikers North Recreation League. GUSA teams (U9-U14) are incorporated into the Strikers’ schedule to ensure all our divisions can compete. Each GUSA team is typically scheduled 7 games per season.
Games for Divisions U9 – U14 are played in 1 of 3 locations:
- Strikers West Creek Complex – 12575 West Creek Parkway, Richmond, VA 23238
- Striker Park – 4801 Pouncey Tract Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059
- Leakes Mill Park – 3951 River Road West, Goochland, VA 23063
Please click here to access more information about the Striker fields, including field layout maps.
GUSA coed U8 teams are not included in the Striker schedule and will play against each other every Saturday at Leakes Mill Park.
What happens if it rains?
If weather causes games to be cancelled during the first half of the season, games will be rescheduled.
If the cancellation occurs after the first half of the season, Strikers will do their best to reschedule all games.
To be notified of field closures at Leakes Mill Park, please sign-up for Goochland County Parks & Recreation Facility Alerts here.
To learn about field closures at Striker Park or the West Creek Complex, please call the Striker Weather Hotline at (804) 288-2261.
(NOTE: Do not sign-up for the ‘Rained Out’ app shown on the Strikers website. You will not receive notifications unless you are registered to a Strikers team.)
Can I play in an age group other than my own?
Requests to play outside the specified age group are handled on a case-by-case basis. The only exception to playing in a younger age group is with a documented medical reason. Players may play up an age group if they are in the predominant school grade of the older age division and it does not negatively impact our ability to roster their specified age group.
If you have a specific age question not mentioned, please contact [email protected].
What do I need to buy?
Each player must have shin guards for protection, and a soccer ball for practice. Cleats are recommended, but not required; however, the player needs to have securely tied shoes. Uniform jerseys with our sponsor’s logo (Sparkle Pediatric Dentistry) are included for first-time registrants. Players are responsible for purchasing shorts (black) and soccer socks (1 red pair, 1 black pair), as well as replacement uniform jerseys as needed.
- U8 Division requires a size 3 soccer ball.
- U9 – U12 Divisions require a size 4 soccer ball.
- U14 and up Divisions require a size 5 soccer ball.
Additionally, most teams will rotate amongst the parents/grown-ups to provide a healthy snack and drink for the players at the end of each game. Each team is responsible for coordinating their own snack and drink rotation.
Can I wear eyeglasses or jewelry?
Wire-rimmed glasses and/or jewelry (including pierced earrings) are not allowed during practices or games. This rule is for the safety of all players. Players may wear glasses with plastic frames.
What happens if I miss a practice or a game?
Players are encouraged to attend all practices and games to develop both individual and team skills. If you find that you will be missing a practice or game, please contact your coach to advise them. Playing on a team requires commitment. Your teammates are depending on you to be present and focused. While coaches cannot bench a player for missing a practice or a game, excessive absenteeism may result in decreased play time during games.
What do I need to do if I’m interested in becoming a referee?
Referees used by the Richmond Strikers are required to be certified as a Grade 8. Information on the referee courses required to be eligible to referee for the Richmond Strikers may be found at:
Will my child receive a trophy?
GUSA does provide participation trophies at the end of each Fall and Spring season.
Can I get a refund?
Refunds will be given if requested in writing prior to August 1st for the Fall season and March 1st for the Spring season. There will be a $30.00 administration fee assessed. Refunds will not be given after the first game of the season unless the refund request includes a documented medical reason. All refund requests should be sent to: [email protected].
Need additional information?
Email your questions to [email protected].